Agile doesn't make teams better, people do.

 Fair warning - Coach Dan is feisty today!Wherever I get in front of a group of people who are newer to the concept of agile and agility, I like to ask them what they think agile is all about.  The responses I get are pretty predictable..."Agile is about going faster."  "Agile makes teams more efficient."  "Agile is about … Continue reading Agile doesn't make teams better, people do.

If your agile team events are meetings – you're doing it wrong!

Hello agile teammates!  Can I get real with you for a minute?  I want to share something that really gets my dander up... I don't know about you, but when I hear folks refer to our agile team events as "meetings" I get a special kind of cranky!  Let me explain... As you all are very aware … Continue reading If your agile team events are meetings – you're doing it wrong!