I report to…

I hear those words a lot.  "Hi!  My name is ... I report to ..."  I may have missed the part of orientation that taught us that standard introduction.  It's what we say when we meet someone new, or start working with a new team. Sometimes to me it feels like a security blanket of … Continue reading I report to…

Manager hacks that build trust and drive empowerment

 I've heard a lot of talk about empowerment lately, so I thought I might offer a perspective (and maybe some advice) on the topic.  Let's start with a definition we can all rally around, shall we?"Empowered employees believe they have the tools, resources, autonomy and support they need to act independently and be held accountable … Continue reading Manager hacks that build trust and drive empowerment

4 telltale signs your team feels unsafe – and what to do about it

 Empowerment begins with your team feeling psychologically safe.This week's blog post is specially crafted for leaders, managers, product managers and product owners.  Don't let that slow you down if you have a different fancy job title, of course, but today I'm speaking directly to the leaders of teams!One of my favorite definitions of empowerment comes … Continue reading 4 telltale signs your team feels unsafe – and what to do about it

A 15-minute a day habit that your teams will thank you for!

I get it - you're busy!  It's the end of the year.  Performance reviews are due (or late!)  Holidays are coming up.  Projects are in critical phases.  End of year "spend it or lose it" time with budgets.  Probably some annual planning work in there somewhere too!  Busy, busy, busy!I can't think of a better … Continue reading A 15-minute a day habit that your teams will thank you for!

I feel you brother – Empathy doesn't need to be a mystery.

Empathy, I think, is one of those things that is easy to define and hard to employ.  You can pretty easily find a consensus  on what the word means - I'll even save you the trouble and Google it...It's the ability to make a connection to a feeling someone else is having about a situation, … Continue reading I feel you brother – Empathy doesn't need to be a mystery.